Tree to timber
Trees Ability has had the opportunity to fell a couple very large Douglas fir trees, this was a job where the timber was going to be used for firewood and all cut up to 12" rings. This is some of the best Douglas fir i have see in Argyll. We had to climb and lower the branches and sections of the stems down in a controlled manner because of the close proximity to buildings. We dismantled the trees to 10m then felled the stems, cut them to 3.5m logs and 6.5m logs. Transport was done my mellex of Ardrishaig to our farm. The logs are being turned in to useable timber for building benches and sheds.
Timber sizes in pictures:
1x3 rails
8x1 boards
8x8 posts
4x2 rails
6x1 boards
6x2 beams
4x2 rails
All from one log in picture above.